My Alvernia Issue #23

Pioneer Staff “ The Extra Touch

They are our torch bearers “ these men and women who served our hospital with single-minded devotion and tenacity, enduring and overcoming tough times with the hospital to watch it prosper. Their years of experience, both in and outside of Mount Alvernia Hospital, have led them to accumulate a treasure trove of experience that will inspire others to greater heights.

Pioneer Doctors “ Blazing A Trail

Our doctors form the heart of medical care services here in Mount Alvernia Hospital. They were amongst the first to kick-start the group of specialized medical services that are now thriving in the hospital. They developed the quality of restorative care offered through research and ceaseless learning. We take a peek into the lives of these trail-blazing physicians.

Nurses “ Forefront of Patient Care

Nursing is more than just a job. For many nurses, there is the potential to contribute to someone's day, to make them feel a little better. Nurses are the glue of the medical profession “ they are the ambassadors of healing. The nurses of Mount Alvernia Hospital are committed to ensuring that their patients receive the best care possible during their stay. Although each ward and patient is different, one thing remains the same “ the health and welfare of the patient come first.